Although the family pet quickly becomes a member of the family, when planning to relocate you must ask yourself a few questions before assuming Fido can make the move with you. Here are 5 questions to ask before moving your pet abroad:
- Can they physically handle it? Pets who aren’t in the best shape perhaps due to an illness or old age often aren’t able to handle the long journey. Pets that aren’t service dogs are transported in the pet cargo portion of the plan. Although these can be temperature regulated, they are often loud which can be a problem for pets with anxiety.
- Is there time? Bringing your pet overseas means medical evaluations, immunizations, notifying the airline and in some cases even getting a pet passport. Look at the to-do list up against your timeline realistically.
- Can you afford it? Bringing a pet overseas has many costs associated with it. Not only will you need to have proper evaluations and medical treatment before the move, but unless you are bringing a service dog, you will also have to pay the airline for the transportation of your pet which can cost anywhere from $70-$500 depending on the airline.
- Are they eligible to come? If you’re from a country that is on the list of “high-risk countries” then your pet will not qualify to enter the country you are re-locating to. Make sure to check the list of your host country before you set off on your journey with your pet.
- Is the time period worth the hassle? If you’re only relocating for a short time period, it might be worth it to recruit a friend or family member to keep your pet while you are away. Although it’s always hard to be away from a furry companion, it will save you time and money, and save your pet a lot of stress.
Answering these 5 questions before moving your pet abroad will give you better insight into if your pet should make the move with you. If you need other tips for your move, check out this moving abroad checklist.